March is the month when the garden at Monteviot awakens from its not always peaceful winter slumbers. Despite a fair battering from harsh easterly gales and breath catching frosts, late hibernal colour is well provided by the many drifts of snowdrops and winter aconites. Newly emerging oriental hellebore, some purple, some pale green, and white underplant fragrant hamamelis already gently decorate the winter garden. Viburnum bodnantense “Charles lamont” is flowering for the second time this winter providing strong scent on the wind at the entrance to the rose garden and beyond. By the end of the month we will be almost literally swamped with the masses of daffodils which are already beginning to push through as the temperature rises. The Magnolia Stellata will not be far behind. By and large the River Teviot has drawn back from its winter excesses. Indeed much to look forward to as the days steadily lengthen.